Beiträge von Mizuno

    Most sources agree that Mazda has a usable capacity of 30 Kwh and not 32 kwh as was initially thought. Same as the Honda E which has the same battery.

    Meine Notizen nach dem Update, sorry Google Translate Deutsch :)

    Am Morgen war die Batterieheizung aktiviert, als ich aktiviert habe

    Autoheizung. 15 km zur Arbeit und keine großen Änderungen der Batterietemperatur. Die Außentemperatur lag den ganzen Tag über zwischen -2 bis 1. Während ich bei der Arbeit war, wurde die Batterieheizung aktiviert und verbrauchte 3% der Batterie. Indikator zeigt Position um 16:00 Uhr an. Als ich zu Hause geparkt habe, habe ich das Auto im Auto-Modus mit der Wallbox verbunden, aber keine geplanten Gebühren. Irgendwann nach 22 Uhr beginnt das Auto 1,2 kW zu ziehen und die Batterieheizung ist laut App eingeschaltet. Es dauert über eine Stunde und braucht 1,5 kwh und schaltet sich ab. Heute morgen wache ich mit dem Auto auf, das 1,2 kw vom Ladegerät zieht und die Batterie aufheizt. Zwischen den beiden Gelegenheiten liegen ungefähr 7 Stunden und obwohl die Ladung nicht aktiviert ist und laut App nicht geladen wird, steigt der Akkuprozentsatz in diesem Zusammenhang um vielleicht 4%. Auch diesmal werden 1,4 kwh Energie aus der Wallbox verbraucht. Batteriewärme zeigt sich bei 4 Uhr Position, wenn ich ins Auto steige. Ich schätze, dass es ungefähr 3 kWh pro Tag braucht, um die Batterie um 16 Uhr warm zu halten. Position.

    I had the update installed a few days ago and it took about 30 minutes. I then activated the battery heating via the rocker system etc. and set the heating to automatic in the EV menu. Today at the 300 kw column I was able to charge the car with 35 kw at 3 to 4 degrees and with a 48% warm battery. Enclosed a film of it, are only a few minutes. Shortly before that, I was driving 120 on the autobahn for a few minutes.

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    How long have you been charging the car? I also got good speed for a few minutes but after a short time it went down to 12kWh despite low SOC

    Here is what i got from my Mazda deler today.

    For this update your workshop need to order special tool that are made for just that update.


    In connection with the above SSP, we will also release a Mazda Service Program (MSP) under the name AM036A which will improve the fast charge (DC - charge) in cold conditions and improve the car's ability to maintain the interior heat at extremely cold temperatures . On some MX-30 vehicles, it may take a long time to complete the fast charge in cold conditions. We solve this by reprogramming the software in PCM and B ECM. After the software update, you can change the mode of how the high-voltage battery's heater works, there will be a normal mode and a mode for colder temperatures. The situation for colder temperatures will improve the fast charging time, but the car's range will be affected as the high-voltage battery's heating system will have to work harder. More information on how to change mode can be found on the next page

    Procedure for switching between "Normal Mode" and "Cold Mode" Please consider explaining these important points to customers. By activating the battery heater from between 5-10 ° C, the time for fast charging is shortened by about 55 minutes from SOC (charging state) 20% to 80% at -10 ° C. This function is only useful for customers who often uses DC charging (fast charging) as it does not significantly affect the time for AC charging. Follow the procedure below if the customer prefers to change the performance to improve the fast charging time when the ambient temperature is low. "Normal mode" when the ambient temperature warms up: 1. Switch ON the READY OFF mode 2. Move the gear selector to the P position. 3. Hold down the pedals and perform the following steps within 10 seconds (the pedals should be depressed throughout the process). a) Press the minus button on the steering paddle A (-) three times. b) Press the plus button on the steering wheel paddle B (+ / OFF) three times. c) Press the minus button on the steering paddle A (-) three times. d) Press the plus button on the steering wheel paddle B (+ / OFF) three times.

    Supplementary information: "EV system warning light" flashes as the conditions below when the changeover has been carried out correctly. When switching to "Cold mode" correctly: Flashes the lamp 4 times When switching to "Normal mode" correctly: Flashes the lamp twice 4. Release the brake pedal and accelerator pedal. Switch OFF the ignition mode. 5. Check for any error codes / DTCs and delete if necessary. Reference information: This switching procedure is applicable in both cases when switching from "Cold Mode" to "Normal Mode" and when switching from "Normal Mode" to "Cold Mode".


    I received information today about what will happen. Unfortunately I got information on jpg image in Swedish and can not translate it but here are highlights.

    Update is called AM036A and requires special tools that are made for just that update. It affects heating of the battery and faster DC charging as well as heating of the cabin during very low temperatures.

    After updating, there will be "normal mode" and "cold mode" which are activated in a similar way as when you turn off the engine sound, ie with a number of presses on the paddles

    Testet with this procedure?

    Der MX-30 fragte zwar ob er AppleCarPlay aktivieren sollte, aber danach keine Reaktion! Dann hab ich mich mit dem Iphone trotzdem mit dem WLAN vom Adapter manuell verbunden während er im USB Port vom Auto angesteckt war und bin auf die Seite und siehe da, es gab ein Update! Dies hatte ich installiert. Danach bootete der Adapter neu!

    I do not remember what we tested, I had many discussions with support and various firmware but without results. On a VW it works immediately.